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WPT Cross Trust Climbing Competition

This week, the Outdoor Education Team ran a trust wide climbing competition with The Climbing Hangar and Rotherham School Games, for the schools’ climbing clubs. The students all challenged themselves and pushed their boundaries to complete climbs in a friendly competitive environment. They all tried extremely hard and were willing to take a fall in order to succeed! By the end of the day, each of the schools were helping each other to complete difficult climbs and the students all worked together to improve their climbing skills.


Every student from each of the climbing clubs have been working hard to improve their climbing, leading up to this event. Not only have the kids pushed themselves in their own time to achieve their own personal climbing goals, but they have also helped one another to try their hardest over the academic year. The value I have seen from the climbing clubs across the trust has been apparent since day one, with the students not only learning valuable climbing skills/techniques; but also creating new friend groups through climbing. 

This has only been highlighted further by the success of this weeks competition, and the students should all be extremely proud of how they all performed and conducted themselves in a public climbing wall. More importantly, all of the students had an amazing day and saw the value in attending; with many asking for the opportunity to attend a climbing wall again in their own time and with the trust. 


Because of the success and great attitude of every student that attended, I will now be investigating further opportunities for the OAA team to deliver more climbing events for students within the trust. I am extremely impressed and proud of everyone’s attitudes and performance at this weeks competition. Well done!


Fin Edwards (Outdoor Education Coordinator)

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