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The Don Valley Festival

Last weekend (22nd-24th March), students from primary and secondary schools from across Wickersley Partnership Trust attended The Don Valley Festival!


The festival is a community event that has a strong emphasis on young talent and creativity in Doncaster and beyond. It celebrates the artistic abilites of children in South Yorkshire, in areas including art, photography, music and drama.


The submissions from WPT students were entered into various categories to be judged. The work this year was of an impressively high standard and many of the winners were from the Trust – well done to everyone who entered!


All the students who took part in the festival should be immensley proud of themselves and their acheivements!


Everyone had a fantastic time at The Don Valley Festival. The students enjoyed seeing all the different pieces and will be using some as inspiration for their artwork in the future.


Nelly Naylor, Photography judge, said “The work is outstanding and I can’t believe the talent that students have and enthusiasm for art and photography.”


Take a look at the images below to see some of the entries and our winners!

students holding certificates with wpt logo at the borrom

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