Rewards and Celebration
We believe that a culture of praise and reward promotes excellence in all aspects of school life including academic achievement, the development of effective learning characteristics and enables students to become well-rounded citizens. In WPT schools the success of all students is celebrated, regardless of their individual starting points.
Our rewards system can be broadly split into four categories:
Classroom Level Rewards
Awarded for
Working hard, taking risks and rising to a challenge, making mistakes and learning from them, helping others, and taking pride in the school community.
Rewarded by
Praise postcards, positive phone calls to parents/carers, positive text messages home, and lesson based prizes.

Subject Level Rewards
Reward scheme
Star of the week, curriculum awards (Subject/School Way, participation, working with pride, embracing the whole curriculum), high flyer, extra mile, most improved.
Rewarded by
Names displayed on reward boards, certificates, social media posts.

School Level Rewards
Reward scheme
Curriculum awards (Subject/School Way, participation, working with pride, embracing the whole curriculum), pastoral awards (school, attendance, punctuality, effort), personal development awards (cultural experiences, life skills, active citizenship), removing
barriers awards (invictus award, endeavour award, the ‘Novel’ award for reading), end of year awards (cumulative awards of all of the above over the year).
Rewarded by
Headteacher’s commendation letter, privilege cards, certificates, social media recognition, pin badges, wrist bands, leadership lunch, Headteacher award, curriculum trophy.

Privilege Rewards
Privilege cards
Given to students who achieve a certain level of award. Split into categories – bronze, silver, gold and platinum, with rewards of an increasing value such as lunch queue jump card (bronze) and cinema trip (platinum)
Privilege events
Halloween disco, Christmas selection boxes, valentines disco, Easter egg hunt, spring BBQ, ESports tournament, inflatable Ninja Warrior course.