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Entitlement and Enrichment

All students across WPT are promised both Entitlement and Enrichment opportunities.


Entitlement opportunities are our core offer: we promise that all students will take part in these experiences during their time in a WPT school. Enrichment opportunities are the extra-curricular activities that all students will be offered, in addition to the core entitlement.


At WPT, we believe that as well as a broad and balanced curriculum, our students should be given as many opportunities as possible to take part in character and confidence building experiences. We know that these events will stay with our children well into their adult lives and will help to define who they are. As the name suggests, students are entitled to these experiences: each of our students take part at least once.

First Aid

Our innovative First Aid curriculum, working in partnership with First Aid Schools, aims to develop a continuous and sustainable programme of first aid and mental health first aid across primary and secondary schools, Trust-wide.

Money Matters

As well as their usual Maths lessons, all students take part in a Money Matters Curriculum. These sessions are delivered in Maths lessons and link real life financial elements to help prepare all of our students for the real world.

Outdoor Adventurous Activities

Our OAA enrichment activities offer students a variety of taster sessions both land and water based. We aim to foster a ‘can do’ attitude in students who might not have previously had the opportunity to take part in adventurous activities.


All Year 6 and Year 11 students are given the opportunity to attend their Prom. For Year 6, prom is held centrally, at no cost to the student, with other schools from their catchment areas. Our Year 11 proms are organised by schools, often with the help of our PTA groups.


WPT is very proud to be able to offer every Year 5 and 6 student a place at our annual residential – completely free of charge. We understand that residentials can be a large financial burden on families, so by removing the financial barrier we can enable all students to participate.

Rewards and Celebrations

We believe that a culture of praise and reward promotes excellence in all aspects of school life, including academic achievement, and aids the development of effective learning characteristics, enabling students to become well-rounded citizens.

Other Entitlement Opportunities

Foundation Stage

  • Curriculum enhancement – school trip
  • Specialist high-quality music provision including wider opportunities instrument lessons
  • Harvest Festival
  • Involvement in a performance/singing
  • Easter service
  • School visit
  • Participation in cultural event
  • Support a charity or local community event external to school

Key Stage 1

  • School trips and visits
  • Performance (watch and take part)
  • Specialist high-quality music provision including wider opportunities instrument lessons
  • Specialist high quality Physical Activity and Education provision including access to emerging sports programmes
  • Access to National School Games
  • Swimming provision
  • Harvest Festival
  • Easter service
  • Participation in cultural event
  • Support a charity or local community event external to school
  • Careers talks

Key Stage 2

  • School trips and visits
  • Specialist high-quality music provision including wider opportunities instrument lessons
  • Involvement in developing the local community
  • Visits and Trips
  • School performances (take part in and watch)
  • Transition events
  • Specialist high-quality Physical Activity and Education provision including access to emerging sports programmes
  • Access to National School Games
  • Swimming lessons
  • Playground leader training for Y5/6 sports leaders
  • Crucial Crew
  • Harvest Festival
  • Easter service
  • Participation in cultural event
  • Support a charity or local community event external to school
  • Careers lessons and talks
  • Photography workshops

Key Stage 3

  • School trips and visits
  • Specialist high-quality Physical Activity and Education provision including access to emerging sports programmes
  • Access to National School Games
  • Participation in cultural event
  • Careers – external speakers and demonstrations
  • Support a charity or local community event including Sponsored Walk
  • Peripatetic music lessons

Key Stage 4

  • Careers interviews
  • Attend a careers fair to speak to employers and FE and HE institutions
  • Take part in an enterprise day
  • Hear from speakers from local businesses to aid careers choices
  • Learn about careers and post-16 options

Key Stage 5

  • Year 12 Tutorial Sessions –  students take part in a range of citizenship activities, encouraging them to further participate in the school, local and wider community.
  • Year 13 Lectures – students attend a lecture covering a wide range of topics. These sessions are
    carefully crafted to reflect the key principles of the School Way. They’re designed to increase students’ motivation, organisation, general knowledge and employability.
  • Students’ preferred post-18 destinations are identified early, and they’re then signposted
    towards guidance and support. External speakers and off-site visits are arranged for
    students when relevant.


Enrichment opportunities are the ‘bolt-0n’ activities that are offered to all students as extra experiences.

Student Leadership

Our School Councils act as a representative for all students in school. Students in the School Council make a valuable contribution to the effectiveness of the school, providing an opportunity for students to engage in a structured partnership with the school leadership team. Each school elect two Student Council members to the Trust Student Council.

Peripatetic Music

We offer all of our students the chance to be taught an instrument (including woodwind, brass, string, percussion and vocals) by a group of professional music tutors. We currently have over 200 students across the Trust undertaking weekly 20 minute lessons. Students across all Key Stages are encouraged to take part.

Other Enrichment Opportunities

Foundation Stage

  • Extra-curricular activities
  • Involvement in a Trust performance

Key Stage 1

  • Extra-curricular activities
  • Involvement in a Trust performance
  • Access to sporting competitions
  • Opportunity for representation on a leadership group such as school council, eco council, sports leadership

Key Stage 2

  • Extra-curricular activities
  • Involvement in a Trust performance
  • Access to sporting competitions
  • Opportunity for representation on a leadership group such as school council, eco council, sports leadership
  • Bikeability
  • Water safety
  • Sheffield University tutored workshops

Key Stage 3

  • Extra-curricular activities
  • Involvement in a Trust performance
  • Access to sporting competitions
  • Opportunity for representation on a leadership group such as school council, eco council, sports leadership
  • Visit parliament in London
  • Take part in trips outside the UK

Key Stage 4

  • Visit parliament in London
  • Take part in work experience
  • Take part in visits linked to option subjects such as theatre / dance

Key Stage 5

  • Enrichment clubs including British Sign Language, Cooking on a Budget, Holiday Spanish, Debate club, Sport and Fitness, Paired reading, Mentoring, Student ambassador programme
  • School productions
  • Get Work Ready work experience programme
  • Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)

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